OSURA Committee Descriptions


The OSURA Benefits Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month.  Their goal is to optimize the benefits, health care and welfare of OSURA members through information and advocacy. It addresses issues related to the challenges of elder living as well as financial and health care developments impacting the STRS and OPERS pension systems.  The committee also organizes the OSURA Dinner Series 6 to 7 times a year.   We are looking for individuals interested in organizing these dinners which includes recruiting/communicating with speakers, the Faculty Club and members about the times and topics of the Dinner Series.

The Bylaws Committee provides effective governance for the Association by monitoring and recommending updates to the Bylaws and the Constitution. This committee meets a few times a year.

Conference Planning
The OSURA Conference Planning Committee selects a keynote speaker for the annual event each September; secures presenters for breakout sessions and updates on healthcare and benefits; solicits sponsors/exhibitors; and arranges campus tours. It meets monthly most of the year but gets more active prior to the fall conference.  Committee members are fully engaged in all planning activities. 

Cultural Arts
The Cultural Arts Committee arranges attendance to art, music and theater performances, and other entertainment. A listserv shares information about events of interest.  It is currently working jointly with the Travel Committee to ramp up the opportunities for programming that will capture the interest of our members.  Committee members are expected to be involved in identifying potential events and coordinating logistics.  Meetings are monthly or every other month.

The Finance Committee monitors the financial health of OSURA, making sure expenses over the long term do not exceed our resources. The committee members decide how to invest previous lifetime dues and donations to maximize return without undue risk; approve budgets; monitor our evolving financial situation; and projects future income and expenses.  Meets several times a year.

The Friendship Committee carries out the interpersonal, caring responsibilities of OSURA. It monitors the passing of The Ohio State University retirees and mails condolences and benefit reminders. It sends get-well messages and thanks contributors to OSURA endowment funds.  Much of the committee work is done independently and communication with other committee members is often by email.

The Membership Committee promotes the renewal of annual memberships, solicits new annual and life memberships, maintains current files of membership data, and manages the OSURA Directory.  Committee members are engaged in new ideas on how to attract new members and ensure that the organization remains relevant to retirees.  Meetings are monthly.

The Social Committee is responsible for planning and organizing a series of noontime presentations known as the monthly Lunch Bunch throughout the year as well as other special events.   Committee meetings are called as needed and usually are held after the Lunch Bunch events.  

The Travel Committee offers OSURA members educational, cultural, social and travel programs to enhance their quality of life. The committee arranges trips in and around Ohio, as well as other areas in the United States and throughout the world.  The committee meets bi-monthly and is looking for more members who love to travel, who have great ideas to share and who like to coordinate events.