Want to get more involved in OSURA? We need volunteers!

Want to get more involved in OSURA? We need volunteers to fill the following leadership roles:

Dinner Series Coordinator: We are looking for individuals interested in leading the OSURA Dinner Series. This role includes scheduling speakers, coordinating with the Faculty Club and publicizing the events to OSURA members. There are usually 2 dinners in the fall and 4-5 in the winter/spring months. These events are open to all OSURA members and friends. For more information, contact Carol Newcomb @ clhotak@gmail.com.

Cultural Arts Committee Leader: We are looking for individuals interested in leading the activities arranged by the members of the Cultural Arts Committee. This role includes scheduling and publicizing local and regional events and activities. The committee meets along with the Travel Committee to share ideas and resources. For more information, contact Bob Furbee at bob.furbee@gmail.com.

Facebook Administrator: We are looking for an individual to serve as the moderator for the

OSURA Facebook Page. This will include granting permission to any OSURA Member requesting to join, posting a welcome message to new members of the group, and approving some posts. For more information, contact Rai Goerler at raimund.goerler@gmail.com.