Log in to OSURA Directory
You will need to log in to your Ohio State Account before you can get access to the OSURA Directory.
*The login is the same as you use to register for OSURA events
If you do not have experience with the university login, you might find these tips helpful:
- Below is a screenshot of the login page which provides two different methods for logging in to your account. If you are a university retiree you can use either of the two buttons on the screen. If you use “Alumni/Friends login” you will create a unique username and password. If you use the other option of “Name.#” your employee-assigned name.# will be your username and you will create your password.
- If you previously created a password but do not remember it, you will need to set a new password.
- Those members who did not retire from Ohio State (e.g. spouses/partners) will use the “Alumni/Friends login.”
- Whichever method you choose, once you establish your password, you can use that same method to log in to the Directory or make reservations for OSURA events in the future. Just remember to keep a record of the option and password you selected, or save it to your device for ease of use in the future.
- Your “Name.#” is the shortened version of your entire Ohio State email address. For example, it is just brown.1, not brown.1@osu.edu.
- Save your username and password on your device to make future searches easier.
- You can also contact the Alumni Association Engagement Center at 1-800-762-5646 or 614-292-2281 or engagementcenter@osu.edu. They are open during university business hours.