Update your information in OSURA Directory
To update your personal contact information or change the privacy settings, you will need to click on the “Update Your Info” link in the black ribbon at the top of the OSURA Members Directory page.
- By clicking on that link it should display your information.
- To make your directory information visible to other members you will need to change the privacy setting for your “contact” information (including address, phone number(s) and email address) from the “Private” setting to “Public.”
- Only make public the contact information you wish others to see.
- After making changes, be sure to click on “Save These Updates” at the bottom of the page.
If you make changes in any of the following data fields, be sure to go to the bottom of this screen and click on “Save These Updates” before you exit the page. Also, the change you make may not appear on your record until the following day.
- You can edit the name fields to correct or update any name changes by typing over the current information that is displayed in the boxes.
- If you are finished with your name updates, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on “Save these updates” before exiting.
- To make changes to your address information or privacy settings, click the “Edit” button to the right of your address listing. This brings up a new box with the address information as it appears in your university account.
- If your Address, City or Zip needs to be updated, merely type the correct information in the appropriate boxes.
- You can update the privacy setting by checking or unchecking the boxes on the left side of the screen.
- By removing a checkmark from any field (Address, City, State, or ZIP) you will be making that piece of information “public” which means visible to members of OSURA.
- After making your change click on “Update” at the bottom of the box.
- To exit without making updates, click on “Cancel” before exiting.
- If you are finished with all your updates, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on “Save these updates” before exiting.
Phone numbers
- To update your phone number(s) click on the “Edit” button to the right of the phone number you wish to change. This brings up a new box with the phone numbers that are stored in your university account.
- If your phone numbers need to be updated, merely type the correct information in the appropriate boxes.
- You can also change the type of phone (home, business or cell) or add a new or delete an old phone number.
- You can update privacy settings by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes displayed at the bottom.
- By removing a checkmark from any field (home, business or cell) you will be making that piece of information “public” which means visible to members of OSURA.
- After making your changes click on “Update” at the bottom of the box.
- To exit without making updates, click on “Cancel” before exiting.
- If you are finished with all your updates, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on “Save these updates” before exiting.
- To change an existing email address click on the “Edit” button to the right of the email address. This brings up a new box.
- If your email needs to be updated, merely type the correct information in the appropriate box.
- You can update privacy settings by checking or unchecking the appropriate box displayed at the bottom.
- By removing a checkmark you will be making your email address “public” which means visible to members of OSURA.
- After making your changes click on “Update” at the bottom of the box.
- To exit without making updates, click on “Cancel” before exiting.
- If you are finished with all your updates, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on “Save these updates” before exiting.
- To add a new email address click on the “add” button below your email address. This brings up a new box.
- Select the type of email (Personal, Business, or Unspecified) using the arrow.
- Type your new email into the appropriate box.
- If you do not wish this email to be visible to members of OSURA, click on the box at the bottom that reads “To make your primary address private click the box below” (however the box is actually to the left).
- If you have more than one email address, choose which one you wish to designate as “primary” by clicking the appropriate circle.
- Only the email address marked “Primary” will be visible in the OSURA Directory.
- If you are finished with all your updates, scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click on “Save these updates” before exiting.
Important!! If you do not click on “Save These Updates” your changes will not be saved.